Monday, May 4, 2009

Chillin' at Juno

So Cleon had a pretty awesome weekend: South Beach, drunkenness (I assume, because with Cleon you can easily assume such), and then Juno Beach.

I didn't go to South Beach, but I met up with them up in Juno. Had a pretty decent time. Nothing too crazy. The highlight would have to be what I filmed below. I had taken my camera to take some stock footage of a secret project I'm working on, but I couldn't miss this opportunity.

I'm trying to head to the beach more often than normal. I already set an annual record in the last 2 1/2 weeks, so I say I'm off to a good start.

Sun + Diet + Exercise = A Better Me.


Video taken with my new Kodak Zi6 HD Camcorder.
There was HORRIBLE lighting (sun was behind us reflecting directly back to the camera, and the shadows were very dark) but overall it came our fine.

Friday, January 16, 2009 - Please visit and support The Brain Aneurysm Foundation

I am proud to be helping TeamCindy get their message out to the world about this foundation. Please visit

Become a Member of TeamCindy - Honoring the life of Cynthia Lynn Sherwin by encouraging athletes to participate in triathlon even in Cinydy's name and raise awareness and money to fight against brain aneurysms
The Brain Aneurysm Foundation (BAF) has 10 slots available for this sold-out Ironman and one of these places can be yours! Join TeamCindy on July 26th and run in the Lake Placid Ironman 2009!

TeamCindy honors the life of Cynthia Lynn Sherwin and promotes widespread public awareness of the dangers of a ruptured brain aneurysm - the sudden and silent killer that took her life and the lives of tens of thousands each year. Cindy was a dedicated athlete, marathoner and triathlete. She was struck down at the young age of 33 while training for her first Ironman competition, Lake Placid 2007. TeamCindy enables and encourages athletes to participate in triathlon events in Cindy's name and to raise awareness and money to continue the fight against this deadly disease through The Brain Aneurysm Foundation.

Become a Member of TeamCindy - Honoring the life of Cynthia Lynn Sherwin by encouraging athletes to participate in triathlon even in Cinydy's name and raise awareness and money to fight against brain aneurysms
The entry cost is $525 plus your commitment to raise $3,000 for the support of The Brain Aneurysm Foundation. Each participant will receive a "thank you bag" including a custom-designed, one-piece triathlon race suit, duffle bag, BAF TeamCindy T-shirt, baseball cap and other surprises.
The BAF will assist you in creating your individual web page which will help you measure and boost your fundraising efforts. For your convenience, Ken Glah of Endurance Sports will reserve rooms in Lake Placid at your cost. You can find him at

Become a Member of TeamCindy - Honoring the life of Cynthia Lynn Sherwin by encouraging athletes to participate in triathlon even in Cinydy's name and raise awareness and money to fight against brain aneurysms
The Brain Aneurysm Foundation is the nation's ONLY nonprofit organization solely dedicated to providing critical awareness, education, support and research grants to reduce the incidence of brain aneurysms. The BAF provides information, support and educational materials to brain aneurysm patients, to their families, and to the medical community to increase awareness of the symptoms of brain aneurysms and promote early detection of brain aneurysms. The Brain Aneurysm Foundation funds essential research to reduce the incidence of ruptured aneurysms. To learn more, please see

Today, 1 out of 50 people in the U.S. has a brain aneurysm, a silent killer which often presents with no prior symptoms or whose symptoms are often ignored or misdiagnosed. After a brain aneurysm ruptures, the prospects are grim: of the 25,000 plus people that have a rupture each year, 40% or more will die and 65% will suffer disabilities of various degrees. Brain aneurysms can occur in any one and at any age.

We would love to have your support!

To reserve your spot at the Lake Placid Ironman 2009 and to be part of TeamCindy, please contact
Christine Buckley LeBlanc
781. 826. 5556 or

The Brain Aneurysm Foundation
269 Hanover Street - Bldg. #3
Hanover, MA 02339

Become a Member of TeamCindy - Honoring the life of Cynthia Lynn Sherwin by encouraging athletes to participate in triathlon even in Cinydy's name and raise awareness and money to fight against brain aneurysms